
Download simtown online
Download simtown online

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IIRC, Maxis toyed around with the idea of a new version of SimAnt. Even PC Week gave it an excellent review, and those choads back then were notorious for hating anything that wasn't Lotus 1-2-3. When it came out, it actually outsold SimCity and the various cosmetic packs, and there was almost no negativity seen in the reviews published in the plethora of trade rags at the time. This was one of the few games that the early pirate groups actively encouraged the "if you like it, buy it!" dogma. SimAnt was included in the SimClassic pack.

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The game was a hit with more than 100,000 copies sold and was released on many platform. You have to manage your ants by digging tunnels, find food, protect the queen, expand your territory, fight against many enemies, including the evil red ants ! The conquest of the whole garden and the house will make you victorious. In the nineties, several Sim like games were created, Sim Ant is a ant colony simulator. SimAnt was released by Maxis and is part of the Sim series.

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